Working Across Provinces & Disciplines to Address the Ultimate Heart Failure 

Working Across Provinces & Disciplines to Address the Ultimate Heart Failure 

TRANSFORM HF is pleased to present a 2024 Seed Grant to Drs. Dainty, Grunau, and their team for their proposal to build the first ever sensor to detect cardiac arrest – the ultimate heart failure.

Whether a cardiac arrest is witnessed or not is a key determinant of outcomes. Unfortunately, in over three-quarters of out-of-hospital events, no one is there to witness the event. In many cases, minutes, hours, or days pass before the emergency is recognized.

According to Drs. Katie Dainty and Brian Grunau, immediate recognition of sudden cardiac arrests could triple survival rates, saving more than 3,400 lives per year. They believe that this can be done through remote monitoring.

Sahr Wali is Bridging Worldviews to Transform Care

Sahr Wali is Bridging Worldviews to Transform Care

TRANSFORM HF researcher Dr. Sahr Wali (Scientific Associate, Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research) has received a CIHR Health System Impact Embedded Early Career (ECR) Researcher Award. Sahr is one of only 12 awardees across Canada.

Sahr will be working in partnership with rural and urban community organizations to develop a care pathway that provides community-first cardiac care services.

Designing for Equity: New Grant Advances Digital Innovation for Equitable Heart Failure Care

Designing for Equity: New Grant Advances Digital Innovation for Equitable Heart Failure Care

Breaking news: TRANSFORM HF has been awarded a $1.65 million 6-year NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience grant to train the next generation of digital health innovators to design for equity!

Translating Cardiovascular Remote Diagnostic and Monitoring Technologies for Equitable Healthcare, or CaRDM Eq, will be delivered by a multidisciplinary team led by Dr. Azadeh Yadollahi.

Together with this diverse team and 30+ collaborators, we will ensure the next innovations in digital health have equity at their core – from ideation, to design, to implementation.

Playing the Future of Digital Health by Ear

Playing the Future of Digital Health by Ear

When it comes to digital innovation, Alex Mariakakis and his team are all ears! Meet our 2023 Seed Grant recipient, who’s aiming to make blood pressure monitoring more accessible using earbuds.

Earbuds have the potential to remove the cost of blood pressure cuffs, increase the ease of at-home monitoring, and could even out-perform smartwatches! Alex views earbuds as one of the next big platforms – not just for blood pressure monitoring, but for digital health in general.